What is WhoReact?

WhoReact is a free global social network. It's the easiest way to communicate with communities, friends, families and ethnic groups about the things that matter. When you want to research where you live & find friends that live nearby use it as local social network app. On the other hand, when you want to connect with ethnicity groups across the world, WhoReact is your international social media network app. Additionally, it is a great way to connect with your friends & family or find friends online and meet people

Download WhoReact

Available for Android / iOS devices

Join your community

  • Connect to a local community based on zip code or postcode
  • See what is happening in your immediate community
  • Post, reflect, and ultimately share the things that matter for the place you live
  • Whether you are at home, visiting relatives, or traveling to unfamiliar places, you will be able to connect and keep up-to-date about what is going on around you in your current location, by turning on our unique location function anywhere, anytime

Build your connections

  • Connect with friends around the world
  • With WhoReact you can be friends with anyone from all over the world. It’s the easiest way to find new friends & meet people
  • Post, reflect and share your personal everyday life with your friends
  • With the convenience of narrowing down your friend's post by city whenever the location is turned on

Stay in touch with your family

  • Connect with families around the world
  • Privately post, and communicate to your families
  • No family member can share your post with other public groups
  • Adding and categorizing your families into [My Family], [My Spouse's Family], and or [Relatives].
  • Narrowing down your own family, your spouse's family, and or your other relatives post by city whenever the location is turned on

Connect with your ethnicity

  • Bring together all people to one place, easy, and effective communication with your own individual ethnic group
  • Post and share the things that matter to you and your ethnic group
  • See what is happening in your ethnic group around the world
  • Provide fast and effective communication to all
  • Narrowing down people's post by city whenever the location is turned on
  • See why WhoReact is one of the best social networking apps for ethnicities

Discover your interests

  • Post and share the things that matter to the world
  • See what is happening around the world
  • Provide fast and effective communication to all
  • Narrowing down people's post by country whenever the location is turned on

Private journal

  • Don't feel like sharing your thoughts with others, you can privately journal your daily activities
  • Carry your diary in your pocket and preserve every moment
  • Share moments with friends and family